業績一覧 (2010年以降)
Otani M., Kitamura H., Kudoh S., Imura S., Nakano M. Transcriptome analysis of the common moss Bryum pseudotriquetrum grown under Antarctic field condition. AoB PLANTS plae043 Link
Tsurisaki E., Nameta M., Shibata S., Hirayama S., Iwai J., Ohashi R., Otani M., Ito Y., Matsumura N., Moriguchi Y. Cytological Analysis of Male-Sterile MS5 Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Comparison with Other Male-Sterile Mutants. Journal of Plant Biology DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12374-023-09415-3 Link プレスリリース
Kakui H., Ujino-Ihara T., Hasegawa Y., Tsurisaki E., Futamura N., Iwai J., Higuchi Y., Fujino T., Suzuki Y., Kasahara M., Yamaguchi K., Shigenobu S., Otani M., Nakano M., Nameta M., Shibata S., Ueno S., Moriguchi Y. A single-nucleotide substitution of CjTKPR1 determines pollen production in the gymnosperm plant Cryptomeria japonica. PNAS nexus 2(8): pgad236 Link プレスリリース
Wada T., Kudoh S., Koyama H., Iakovenko N., Elster J, Kvíderová J., Otani M., Shimada S., Imura S. Abundance and biomass of Bdelloid rotifers in the microbial mats from East Antarctica: The ecological relations between microscopic phototrophs and invertebrates. Ecological Research 38(2): 317–330 Link
Sankhuan D., Ji M., Takanashi S., Imamura Y., Sato S., Supaibulwatana K., Otani M., Nakano M. Induction of dwarf and early flowering phenotypes in Tricyrtis sp. by ectopic expression of LEAFY from Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biothechnology 39(2): 205–208 Link
Fujimoto T., Otani M., Nakano M. Production of colored foliage phenotypes in Kalanchoe blossfeldiana by ectopic expression of R2R3-MYB genes. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 31: 665–672 Link
Kudoh S., Wada T., Shimada S., Otani M., Elster J., Uchida M., Imura S. Meteorological data from ice-free areas in Yukidori Zawa, Langhovde and Kizahashi Hama, Skarvsnes, and Skallen on Sôya Coast, East Antarctica during January 2017–December 2018. Polar Data Journal (5): 1–10 Link
Otani M., Aoyagi K., Nakano M. Suppression of B function by chimeric repressor gene-silencing technology (CRES-T) reduces the petaloid tepal identity in transgenic Lilium sp. PLOS ONE 15(8): e0237176 Link
Nakano M., Otani M. Plant regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation systems in liliaceous ornamental plants. Plant Biotechnology 37(2): 129–140 Link
Hirose Y., Shiozaki T., Otani M., Kudoh S., Imura S., Eki T., Harada N. Investigating Algal Communities in Lacustrine and Hydro-Terrestrial Environments of East Antarctica Using Deep Amplicon Sequencing. Microorganisms 8(4): 497 Link プレスリリース
Inamura T., Nakazawa M., Ishibe M., Otani M., Nakano M. Production and characterization of intersectional hybrids between Tricyrtis sect. Brachycyrtis and sect. Hirtae via ovule culture. Plant Biotechnology 36(3): 175-180 Link
Otani M., Sato S., Ishibe M., Nakano M. Production and characterization of wide hybrid plants in the genus Tricyrtis using transgenic plants carrying the gibberellin 2-oxidase gene from Torenia fournieri. Scientia Horticulturae 254: 215–221 Link
藤本 卓生,高野 美穂,大谷 真広,中野 優 宿根トレニアにおけるR2R3-MYB遺伝子を用いた形質転換による葉色の改変 新潟大学農学部研究報告 71: 35–42 Link
Panjama K., Suzuki E., Otani M., Nakano M., Ohtake N., Ohyama T., Bundithya W., Sueyoshi K., Ruamrungsri S. Isolation and functional analysis of FLOWERING LOCUS T homologous gene from Vanda hybrid. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 28: 374–381 Link
Miura K., Nakada M., Kubota S., Sato S., Nagano S., Kobayashi A., Teranishi M., Nakano M., Kanno A. Expression and Functional Analyses of Five B-class Genes in the Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum). The Horticulture Journal 88 (2): 284–292 Link
Kanemaki A., Otani M., Takano M., Fujimoto T., Okuhara H., Nomizu T., Kondo M., Kobayashi H., Tatsuzawa F., Nakano M. Ectopic expression of the R2R3-MYB gene from Tricyrtis sp. results in leaf color alteration in transgenic Pelargonium crispum. Scientia Horticulturae 240: 411–416 Link
Otani M., Kanemaki Y., Oba F., Shibuya M., Funayama Y., Nakano M. Comprehensive isolation and expression analysis of the flavonoid biosynthesis-related genes in Tricyrtis spp. Biologia Plantarum 62(4): 1–9 Link
Nakano M., Goto C., Yamakawa M., Ishibe M., Inamura T., Otani M. Chromosome doubling of Tricyrtis formosana by in vitro spindle toxin treatments. 新潟大学農学部研究報告 70: 9–13 Link
Yamaki T., Otani M., Ono K., Mimura T., Oda K., Minamii T., Matsumoto S., Matsuo Y., Kawamukai M, Akihiro T. Isolation and characterization of rice cesium transporter genes from a rice-transporter-enriched yeast expression library. Physiologia plantarum 160(4): 425–436 Link
Inthima P., Nakano M., Otani M., Niki T., Nishijima T., Koshioka M., Supaibulwatana K. Overexpression of the gibberellin 20-oxidase gene from Torenia fournieri resulted in modified trichome formation and terpenoid metabolities of Artemisia annua. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 130(3): 689 Link
Otani M., Sharifi A., Kubota S., Oizumi K., Uetake F., Hirai M., Hoshino Y., Kanno A., Nakano M. Suppression of B function strongly supports the modified ABCE model in Tricyrtis sp. (Liliaceae). Scientific Reports 6: 24549 Link プレスリリース
Yamakawa M., Kishimoto T., Sato T., Saito T., Amano J., Otani M., Nakano M. Chromosome doubling of a colchicaceous intergeneric hybrid by spindle toxin treatments. 新潟大学農学部研究報告 68: 25–30 Link
中野 優,三位 正洋,小林 仁,大谷 真広,八木 雅史 花育種への分子的なアプローチ 育種学研究 18(1 ): 34–40 Link
渡邉 祐輔,宮島 利功,中野 優,市村 一雄 エテホンと6-ベンジルアミノプリンを組み合わせた前処理がチューリップ切り花の品質保持期間に及ぼす効果 園芸学研究 15(4): 445–452 Link
Sharifi A., Oizumi K., Kubota S., Bagheri A., Shafaroudi S.M., Nakano M., Kanno A. Double flower formation in Tricyrtis macranthopsis is related to low expression of AGAMOUS ortholog gene. Scientia Horticulturae 193: 337–345 Link
Inthima P., Otani M., Hirano T., Hayashi Y., Abe T., Nakano M., Supaibulwatana K. Mutagenic effects of heavy-ion beam irradiation on in vitro nodal segments of Artemisia annua L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 119(1): 131–139
Okuzumi N., Otani M., Otsubo H., Meguro S., Hara Y., Umehara H., Igarashi M., Han D.S., Nakano M., Hoshino Y., Kanno A. Characterization of transgenic Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis plants ectopically expressing the class B MADS-box genes. Acta Horticulturae 1025: 93–98 Link
Otani M., Meguro S., Gondaira H., Hayashi M., Saito M., Han D.S., Nakano M., Mori S., Li T., Niki T., Nishijima T., Koshioka M. Overexpression of the gibberellin 20-oxidase or gibberellin 3-oxidase gene from Torenia fournieri affecting plant morphology in transgenic Tricyrtis sp. Acta Horticulturae 1025: 23–30 Link
Kishimoto T., Nakazawa D., Sato T., Saito T., Amano J., Kuwayama S., Han D.S., Nakano M., Okuno H., Godo T., Watanabe Y. Horticultural characterization of an intergeneric hybrid between a septaploid Gloriosa cultivar and Sandersonia aurantiaca. Acta Horticulturae 1025: 51–56 Link
Tasaki H., Takagi H., Otsubo H., Hatakeyama C., Saito Y., Oka E., Amano J., Han D.S., Nakano M., Watanabe Y. Interspecific hybridization between Tricyrtis flava and T. formosana via ovule culture. Acta Horticulturae 1025: 43–50 Link
Mori S., Otani M., Kobayashi H., Nakano M. Isolation and characterization of the dihydroflavonol 4-reductase gene in the monocotyledonous ornamental Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis (Leighton) Leighton. Scientia horticulturae 166: 24–30 Link
Otani M., Ishibe M., Inthima P., Supaibulwatana K., Mori S., Niki T., Nishijima T., Koshioka M., Nakano M. Horticultural characterization of a tetraploid transgenic plant of Tricyrtis sp. carrying the gibberellin 2-oxidase gene. Plant Biotechnology 31(4): 335–340 Link
Hoshino Y., Igarashi T., Ohshima M., Shinoda K., Murata N., Kanno A., Nakano M. Characterization of CYCLOIDEA-like genes in controlling floral zygomorphy in the monocotyledon Alstroemeria. Scientia Horticulturae 169: 6–13 Link
Otani M., Meguro S., Gondaira H., Hayashi M., Saito M., Han D.S., Inthima P, Supaibulwatana K., Mori S., Jikumaru Y., Kamiya Y., Li T., Niki T., Nishijima T., Koshioka M., Nakano M. Overexpression of the gibberellin 2-oxidase gene from Torenia fournieri induces dwarf phenotypes in the liliaceous monocotyledon Tricyrtis sp. Journal of Plant Physiology 70(16): 1416–1423 Link
Nakano M., Kuwayama S., Oka E., Asano M., Han D.S., Godo T. Cross-compatibility in Interspecific Hybridization of Lychnis (Caryophyllaceae) and Characterization of Interspecific Hybrids between L. fulgens and L. sieboldii. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 82:(1): 57–62 Link
渡邉 祐輔,宮島 利功,野水 利和,中野 優,市村 一雄 チューリップ切り花における糖質処理が品質保持に及ぼす影響 園芸学研究 12(2): 201–207 Link
Vidal A.K., Han D.S., Nakano M., Niimi Y. Decreased time from seed to flowering corm size in Zephyra elegans via in vitro cultivation. Ciencia e investigación agraria 39(3): 577–584 Link
Kamiishi Y., Otani M., Takagi H., Han D.S., Mori S., Tatsuzawa F., Okuhara H., Kobayashi H., Nakano M. Flower color alteration in the liliaceous ornamental Tricyrtis sp. by RNA interference-mediated suppression of the chalcone synthase gene. Molecular Breeding 30(2): 671–680 Link
Nakano M., Tasaki H., Nonaka T., Han D.S., Godo T. Chromosome Doubling of Japanese Native Lychnis spp. by in vitro Oryzalin Treatment. 新潟大学農学部研究報告 64(2): 101–105 Link
Oda K., Otani M., Uraguchi S., Akihiro T., Fujiwara T. Rice ABCG43 Is Cd Inducible and Confers Cd Tolerance on Yeast. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 75(6): 1211–1213 Link
Nakazawa D., Kishimoto T., Sato T., Saito T., Amano J., Kuwayama S., Okuno H., Godo T., Watanabe Y., Han D.S., Nakano M. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) analysis of intergeneric hybrids in Colchicaceae. Euphytica 181: 197–202 Link
Nonaka T., Oka E., Asano M., Kuwayama S., Tasaki H., Han D.S., Godo T., Nakano M. Chromosome doubling of Lychnis spp. by in vitro spindle toxin treatment of nodal segments. Scientia Horticulturae 129(4): 832–839 Link
Takagi H., Sugawara S., Saito T., Tasaki H., Yuanxue L., Kaiyun G., Han D.S., Godo T., Nakano M. Plant regeneration via direct and indirect adventitious shoot formation and chromosome-doubled somaclonal variation in Titanotrichum oldhamii (Hemsl.) Solereder. Plant Biotechnology Reports 5: 187–195 Link
Nakano M., Watanabe Y., Nomizu T., Suzuki M., Mizunashi K., Mori S., Amano J., Han D.S., Saito H., Ryuto H, Fukunishi N., Abe T. Promotion of somatic embryo production from embryogenic calluses of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants by heavy-ion beam irradiation. Plant Growth Regulation 60, 169–173 Link
Nakano M., Amano J., Watanabe Y., Nomizu T., Suzuki M., Mizunashi K., Mori S., Kuwayama S., Han D.S., Saito H., Ryuto H., Fukunishi N., Abe T. Morphological variation in Tricyrtis hirta plants regenerated from heavy ion beam-irradiated embryogenic calluses. Plant Biotechnology 27(2): 155–160 Link
國武 久登,執行 正義,平野 智也,神戸 敏成,貴島 祐治,三吉 一光,大谷 基泰,八幡 昌紀,星野洋一郎,中野 優,佐々 英徳,三柴 啓一郎,山本 伸一『エッセンシャル 植物育種学 農学系のための基礎』講談社サイエンティフィク ISBN:978-4-06-530815-8
田部井 豊,七里 吉彦,三柴 啓一郎,安本 周平,中野 優 ら『ひとりではじめる植物バイオテクノロジー入門 組織培養からゲノム編集まで』国際文献社 ISBN:978-4-910603-03-2